I have something magical for you little cornish pixies! Actually its a product of my boredom, which will soon be cured by endless amounts of literary treasures, and movies! Now then, today is a mini adventure, and a day of some minor interesting things. That made no sense, I DIGRESS!
I went to the library today, because we all know Fairies love a good story. Originally my best friend Kim and I were going to go and see if they had Marie Antoinette on DVD because its movie night. Kim is feeling particularly frilly. Unfortunately our branch did not have the much sought after DVD so I had to order it from another branch. I did however get three other DVD's. 'Lemony Snicket's - A Series of Unfortunate Events', because of the dark humour and amazing imagery [plus I love that series!]. Kamen Rider The First, because I love me some Japanese mecha/power ranger type movies. And Van Gogh, a French film :3 because I LOVE Van Gogh, and the French language.
I also picked up about 8 or so books, this list is of course as follows, most are recommended Fairy Pirate reads.
1. My Bonney Light Horseman -L.A. Meyer, the sixth in the Bloody Jack series. Nothing like a rebellious young girl who has delved into the world of Piracy, on an epic adventure of love and war. Jacky Faber is most indefinitely one of my favorite characters. I started this series about four years ago, and its one of my all time favorites.
2. Snow White and Rose Red -Patricia C. Wrede, a spin on an old classic. Two sons of the Faerie queen, Hugh who is content at home, and John who loves to wander in the mortal world. If you know the old classic tale of Snow White and Rose Red, then you will love this one!
3. The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After- Patricia C. Wrede and Caroline Stevermer. The second book chronicling the tales of Kate and Cecy. Magic galore, and adventure ahoy :)
4.Stravaganza City of Ships - Mary Hoffman, I love Stravaganza books! Time traveling and space! Its wonderful, and this one is about Pirates!
5.Perchance to Dream - Lisa Mantchev, Bertie can make things happen just by writing them! However, her day time live is brooding seductive air spirit who's motives are kinda hazy, and when she dreams, its of Nate, a suave and swashbuckling pirate, WHO'S IN MORTAL PERIL. Oh what is a girl to do~ :) Perfect. In every way. The cover even has fairies on it!
6. Beautiful City of the Dead - Leander Watts, ok this one is about a rock band, WHO BECOMES IMMORTAL. Rock and Roll till the end of time, oh yes please!
7. Tithe -Holly Black, because what good Faire Pirate does not read this classic! Its basically' a modern faerie tale', but it gets kinda dark, you guys would love it.
8. The Sweet Far Thing - Libba Bray, I love Libba Bray, this is the third book in the Gemma Doyle Trilogy following, A Great and Terrible Beauty, and Rebel Angels, its wonderful, frilly, and filled with magic! Plus the first two are in my top 20 books of all time. How could I not check this one out!
Happy reading Fae~
And now for what I wasted so much time doing today, which should have been spent on editing photos from Quebec, and I swear I will get to them, just give me till I return from Florida next week...oh yeah, Im headed down to Florida... to pack up my stuff and move back home...here. :)
A most epic screen shot of my magical desktop!
Tada! Its my desktop. I spent so much time trying to find a background, oh and do you see those weird marks all over, yeah well...I don't have 'folders', I have FAERIES! :D The ones sitting are the usual folders that grace my desktop, the ones flying are temp files, and in the upper left hand is my folder Faerie Glen, where I keep all the images I have used, and will use for this blog. :) And my cursor, using the program iCursor, is spewing magic. It's optional however, I can turn it on and off depending on if I want to read whats on the screen haha. Yes I spent so much time looking for the perfect images for my folders, and desktop. I really should have been editing my photos!
Now then, tonight me and Kim are watching a movie, we aren't sure of what movie, but...we are watching one, and she is bringing her puppy April, who is an utter doll! Picture of me and the puppy of course!
Me and April being adorably cute at the bay.
Kim looking like she hates you, which she does, she only loves me :) and April.
Now then, I am sorry but I must depart, I have countless pages and words to read, and photos to edit, and I need to find tasty things for tonights movie viewing.
I leave you with another of my favorite writers, and a quote obviously fairy related.
"A lady, with whom I was riding in the forest, said to me, that the woods always seemed to her to wait, as if the genii who inhabit them suspended their deeds until the wayfarer has passed onward: a thought which poetry has celebrated in the dance of the fairies, which breaks off on the approach of human feet." -Ralph Waldo Emerson, "History"