Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to the Land of Fairy Pirates

Fairy Pirates don't listen to logic, or to disbelief. They listen to river's babbling, ocean swells, and honeysuckle laughing. They live in all sorts of places; near river beds, on the beach, in the midnight blue sky, along the trains of the forest, and even in that cupboard you forgot to clean out. Fairy Pirates live in all sorts of places, with all sorts of people, and have all sorts of ideas. But what makes a Fairy Pirate different from just an ordinary Fairy. Well, ordinary Fairies don't have the sort of adventures that Fairy Pirates have thats for sure, they don't sail the midnight sky's, or the oceans blue, they don't travel up stream on the most dangerous rapids, or bury their treasure on the moon! Normal Fairies just play with their acorns, and zig zag across the sky like lightning bugs. Fairy Pirates however, they want to do more, see more, be more! They are the greatest adventures the world has ever seen. They are brave, and fun, and love to laugh. They sing, they dance, they fight doxies and imps! They steal goblin gold, and hide it from them, for fun! They trick little humans into thinking they saw something, and then run and hide behind a cloud! They are Fairy Pirates! Brave, imaginative, the world is their playground, they aren't afraid to hide! So if you see a streak of purple, blue, or green. Or think you see a little person dancing in the air, right across the sky, then you've seen a Fairy Pirate. Why am I so excited to tell you all this, well, because I am one! We aren't tiny all the time, only at night when the moon is out and bright, and the stars are twinkling in the sky, thats when we sprout our wings, shrink down to a tiny tiny size, and zoom zip fly away! During the day, we look like you, and you, and yes even you. I look like me, but thats because I'm me of course. Fairy Pirates are easy to spot though, even in human form! They have these smiles, and this twinkle in their eyes, and when they laugh, you laugh along with them too~ Im sure you've thought of about 10 different people who fit that description, no worries, just let them know their secret is safe with you. [The secret Fairy code is a big hug followed by a smile and 'just because!']. Now come back and see me, come and visit again! And remember, a Fairy Pirate is nothing without their crew!

"You know what Fairy Pirates do!? They run across the night sky, jumping from star to star, bury their treasures on the moon, and hide behind the clouds. Thats what we Fairy Pirates do~"

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